About Me

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Over nine years of research experience in social science and public health research, who specializes large scale survey design and analysis, and data quality in various forms and tools of research work with Quantitative as well as Qualitative techniques and then last five years I have developed data entry and tabulation package in CSPro for various large scale surveys in India as well outside India. Presently I am working as Consultant State Data Manager in UNICEF Chhattisgarh (Through PDCSL).

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Great news for CSPro users long time waited CSPro 6.0.1 Android version Released Today...

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CSPro 6.0.1 and CSEntry Android App were recently released! The CSEntry Android App can be used to run data entry applications on devices such as phones or tablets . Data entry applications designed in CSPro can be run seamlessly on both Windows and Android devices without modifications. This is a "build once, deploy many" system, so you have the freedom to decide what device you want to use to conduct CAPI surveys using CSEntry.

This updated version has some significant improvements:
  • CSEntry Android app is available for download in the Google Play store
  • The Android application has a synchronization tool that allows applications and data files to be synchronized with Dropbox or on an FTP server
  • Several tools have been added to CSPro: PFF Editor, Production Runner, Operator Statistics Viewer, Save Array Viewer
  • Language additions: string data type, getocclabel, getos, getvalue, setvalue, showarray
  • Bug fixes and small enhancements
For more information on new features go to:

To download CSPro 6.0.1 go to:

To download CSEntry Android App go to: